Call for proposals “Residency in the mountains 2024”: contributions for the purchase of a property as a residence and habitual abode

A view of an old stone building through an archway

This call is not available for non-Italian residents” (July 1, 2024).  Call FAQ (June 21).

Publication date of the call on BURT

June 12, 2024
BURT number and part

part III, supplement 147
Deadline for submission of applications

July 27, 2024

This call is not available for non-Italian residents” (July 1, 2024). FAQ of the call (June 21). User manual version 8.3 (June 20, 2024). Italian mountain development fund (Fosmit) 2023 annual payment. Contributions in favor of individuals for the purchase of a property to be used as a residence and habitual abode in the mountain municipalities of Tuscany with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants (law 234/2021 and council resolution 618 of May 27, 2024). Applications by 1:00 p.m. on July 27, 2024.

With management decree 12500 of June 6, 2024  (Burt of June 12, supplement 147 to part III ), the Region approved the call for proposals “Residentiality in the mountains 2024” ( Annex A of the decree) and its annexes 1, 2 and 3, as well as Annex B (disciplinary for control activities and payment of contributions by Artea), in order to assign contributions in favor of individuals who purchase a property for residential use in the mountain municipalities of Tuscany with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants. The ” Essential elements ” for the adoption of the call for tenders were approved by the council with  resolution 618 of 27 May 2024 , consequently proceeding with the integration of the addresses referred to in council resolution 1514 of 18 December 2023.

It is possible to submit an application for the allocation of the contributions referred to in this public notice through the online form made available by the Tuscany Region at the address: starting from 13:00 on 12 June, i.e. from 13:00 on the day of publication of the notice on the Burt and until 13:00 on 27 July 2024 , according to the methods indicated in the notice itself.
Highlighted : instructions for paying stamp duty

The payment relating to the stamp duty of  16 euros , pursuant to art. 3 of the Ministerial Decree of 10 November 2011 (formerly Presidential Decree 642/1972) can be made in one of the following ways :

– IRIS: If you choose the digital stamp duty payment method through the IRIS Regione Toscana portal , after completing the sending phase, you must return to the form, access the link indicated in the PAYMENT INFORMATION section and proceed with the payment.

If you choose to pay the stamp duty using Other Methods , you must

  • proceed with the payment BEFORE completing the form sending phase and attach within the form itself the digital copy of the documentation certifying the payment.

– In the case of using a revenue stamp: 
the date of the revenue stamp must be prior to the date of submission of the application. The beneficiary must attach a scan of the cancelled revenue stamp in digital format (preferably in PDF format). The cancellation must occur in accordance with the provisions in force on the matter, by affixing the full and legible signature of the applicant for the contribution on the revenue stamp itself or in another form provided for by said provisions of law. The original of the cancelled revenue stamp must be retained in order to make it available for any checks and verifications pursuant to the law.

– In the case of using the F23: 
the form must indicate: the data of the applicant (field 4); the office code of the territorially competent Revenue Agency (field 6): 911; the tax code of the stamp duty (field 11): 456T; the description of the payment (field 12): “Stamp duty – Application to participate in the call for tenders “Residenzialità in montagna 2024” decree 12500/2024); the amount (field 13): 16.00 euros. Once the form has been filled out, the amount due can be paid at the counters of banks, Poste Italiane SpA or collection agents.

Please note:  if the applicant forgets to attach the proof of payment of €16.00 to the form itself , it is necessary, within the deadline of the call, to submit a new application for a contribution that overwrites and replaces the one already transmitted. Simply click on the CLONA button (visible next to the SENT form status) in order to recover the data already entered in the first application and attach the digital copy (in pdf format) of the documentation certifying the payment.

Publication July 12, 2024, 5.12 pm The first FAQs on the call are


  • see FAQs  from June 21, 2024

Purpose of the call

The purpose of the intervention is to promote and incentivize the repopulation and socio-economic revitalization of mountain areas, acting in contrast to the marginalization of such areas.

Recipients of the call

The call is not available for non-residents in Italy /  this call is not available for non-Italian residents.
Individuals in possession of the subjective requirements set out in Article 1, paragraph 4 of the call who acquire , after the date of publication on Burt of the decree approving the call, i.e. from 12 June 2024, and within the terms indicated therein, the right of ownership of a property intended for residential use , identified in the land registry as such and already existing on the date of publication on Burt of the decree approving the call, as documented by a notarial deed of sale or by a judicial deed of transfer of the property (in the case of properties awarded at a judicial auction), including any related appurtenances, may apply to be admitted to the contributions.

Eligibility requirements

When submitting the application for participation, the applicant must declare under his/her own responsibility that he/she possesses the following subjective requirements:

  • a) be an Italian citizen or a citizen of another European Union State or be a non-EU citizen holding a residence permit valid for no less than 10 years, pursuant to Article 9 of Legislative Decree 286/1998;
  • b) be of legal age;
  • c) be resident in an Italian municipality resulting non-mountainous from the latest official Istat data available on the date of adoption of the management decree approving the call for tenders (Annex 2 to decree 12500 of 6 June 2024).

Deadline and submission of the application

The request for contribution can be submitted from 1:00 pm on 12 June 2024 until 1:00 pm on 27 July 2024 exclusively online, using a specific web application accessible at using an updated  internet browser , preferably Chrome or Mozilla Firefox ).

To access the “Form Submission” web application (download User Manual version 8.3 ) you must authenticate yourself by entering with your digital identity credentials using one of the following methods: National Services Card (CNS), Public Digital Identity System (Spid) or Electronic Identity Card (Cie).

Once authenticated, the FORMS SUBMISSION Home Page will open and COMPLETE NEW FORM must be selected. The SELECT FORM TYPE page will open, and it must be selected from the list of available forms “Mountain Residential Call 2024”

For any other information on filling out and sending the application, you can consult the User Manual of the wee application version 8.3 .

Warnings for filling out 

  • While filling out the form, you can save it to resume filling it out and sending it at a later time. The form will be saved in DRAFT FORMS, on your Home Page. In this section, you can follow the progress of the request.
  • Once completed, the form must be sent by clicking on the SEND button.
  • Once transmitted, the user must check that the application has been transmitted by accessing the OTHER FORMS section again, verifying that a protocol number is present next to the TRANSMITTED status. If the protocol number indicated above is not present, contact the Offices (contacts below).

Pay attention to the correctness of the data entered in the form , once sent it will no longer be possible to modify it, but a new form must be filled in and sent.

Eligible expenses

Only expenses for the sole purchase of the property to be used as a residence and habitual abode are eligible, limited to residential properties, including the relevant appurtenances and already existing on the date of publication of the notice on the BURT. The purchase of appurtenances alone is not eligible for a contribution.

Such expenses must be documented by a notarial deed of sale (the date of signature of which constitutes the reference date for the purposes of the admissibility of the expenses themselves), or by a judicial deed of transfer of the property in the event of award at a judicial auction, including the relevant taxes required by law.
Expenses relating to the following are not eligible:

a) properties with cadastral classification A/1, A/8 and A/9;

b) properties not registered in the cadastral register or properties in their raw state not yet completed, even if registered;

c) purchase of properties or shares thereof between subjects between whom there is a direct kinship relationship up to the second degree, between persons who are married to each other or linked by civil union or de facto cohabitation relationships as defined pursuant to Law 76 of 2016.

Furthermore, by way of example and not limited to, the following are not admissible: notary fees, bank charges of any kind, brokerage fees, technical or design fees, expenses related to the connection of utilities, insurance coverage, expenses registered exclusively to any co-owners of the property.

Type of Concession

The minimum amount that can be requested for each application is equal to Euro 10,000.00 and the maximum amount that can be requested for each application is equal to Euro 30,000.00.

The maximum amount of the contribution may not in any case exceed 50% of the total
expenses incurred
 for the costs associated with the purchase of the property and its appurtenances.

Financial endowment

The total amount of resources allocated to the intervention is €2,800,000.00, allocated in the 2024-2026 Financial Budget, 2024 and 2025 years.

Procedure Manager

Head of the “Local Planning and Finance” Sector – “Planning and Budget” Directorate.
Applicants may view the documents of the procedure by sending a written request via PEC to the address .

To find out all the details needed to correctly submit the applications

consult the full text of the call and its attachments (1,2, and 3) and attachment B (disciplinary code for control activities and payment of contributions by Artea), approved by decree 12500 of 6 June 2024 :

To learn more

Information relating to this announcement, any clarifications, FAQs and subsequent communications will be available on this page published on the web pages at the web address  and in the section called “Bandi eopportunità” on the home page of the Tuscany Region website.

For any clarifications, you can contact :

Urp Public Relations Office of the Tuscany Region:

  • Toll-free number: 800-860070 (from landline);
  • Telephone: 055-4385920 (from mobile) on the days and during the opening hours indicated at the address



Issuing body:
Tuscany Region


This article found in Italian on

Residency in the Mountains 2024: Contributions for Your Dream Home

body of water and snow-covered mountains during daytime

body of water and snow-covered mountains during daytime

The Appeal of Mountain Residency

As we look towards 2024, the allure of establishing a residency in the mountains continues to captivate many. The serene environment, stunning landscapes, and the promise of a tranquil lifestyle make the mountains an ideal location for a permanent residence and habitual abode. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful retreat or a vibrant community, the mountains offer something for everyone.

Financial Contributions for Property Purchase

One of the key considerations for those looking to make the mountains their home is the financial aspect. Fortunately, there are various contributions and financial aids available to assist in the purchase of a property. These contributions can significantly alleviate the financial burden, making the dream of owning a mountain residence more attainable. It’s essential to research and understand the different types of financial support available to maximize these benefits.

Planning Your Move to the Mountains

Planning a move to the mountains involves several steps, from selecting the right location to understanding the local real estate market. Engaging with local real estate agents and financial advisors can provide valuable insights and ensure a smooth transition. Additionally, considering the long-term benefits, such as improved mental well-being and a healthier lifestyle, can further justify the investment in a mountain residency.


Residency in the mountains in 2024 presents an exciting opportunity to embrace a unique and fulfilling lifestyle. With the availability of financial contributions for property purchases, your dream of owning a mountain home is within reach. By carefully planning and leveraging available resources, you can make this dream a reality and enjoy the countless benefits that come with living in such a picturesque and serene environment.